Coddling Generation Safety Blankey? Or Affirming Shared Truths?

Having been on the receiving end of student protests in the UK, philosopher Kathleen Stock in an important piece says the following about today’s all too often ”offended” Gen Z.

There’s a now-standard story about the psyche of the student that protests about speech, popularised by Lukianoff and Haidt’s book, and advanced by Frank Furedi before themThis story says: the parents of these students probably overprotected them in childhood and adolescence, smoothing their way through school and praising them to the hilt, whilst playing up the spectre of multiple physical hazards and risks outside the home. With fewer opportunities for independent interaction with peers, and with the internet as their main proxy for real-life experience, the students haven’t learnt the kind of resilience and confidence that would allow them to absorb the feelings of anxiety produced by hearing robust challenges to their views. Instead, they expect the adults around them to take care of their needs and to protect them from unpleasant experiences. They arrive at university as passive consumers in search of parental substitutes, revelling in their own sense of victimhood, and not as autonomous and effective self-movers. This, in other words, is Generation Z framed as Generation Safety Blanket.

I’ve also read Lukianoff and Haidt’s book The Coddling of the American Mind in the past year. $9.99 on Kindle is a steal!

A timely investigation into the new “safety culture” on campus and the dangers it poses to free speech, mental health, education, and ultimately democracy.

The generation now coming of age has been taught three Great Untruths: their feelings are always right; they should avoid pain and discomfort; and they should look for faults in others and not themselves. These three Great Untruths are part of a larger philosophy that sees young people as fragile creatures who must be protected and supervised by adults. But despite the good intentions of the adults who impart them, the Great Untruths are harming kids by teaching them the opposite of ancient wisdom and the opposite of modern psychological findings on grit, growth, and antifragility.  

The result is rising rates of depression and anxiety, along with endless stories of college campuses torn apart by moralistic divisions and mutual recriminations.   

The subtitle is “How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation For Failure.” But Stock isn’t sure they got it completely right. She has some other ideas about the dysfunctions of today’s youth.

All the talk today is about “safeguarding” “safe spaces” etc. And the desire to reduce “harm.” What about undeniable Truth? Is that available to us today? Not completely, but truly (verily, verily). Are some things, if not all things, certainly knowable by the community? And would that reduce, not increase harm?

Some say yes. Others say no.

As a Christian I would point to, for example, the creation of a bi-natured cosmos, Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, Soul and Body (I’m an equality dualist! Not a Platonic Dualist. Read more about that here.)

Stock would not follow me along those lines. But she would say:

The old idea of the University as a vibrant and cohesive community of individuals, forced into productive relation with one another in the shared pursuit of truth, is very old hat. For a start, nobody really believes in truth anymore.

Well. Some of us do. Including Stock.

She offers sound advice to isolated individuals (primarily social media denizens) and warns those who have “become far too cocky about (their) own moral judgements.” The reason for this precise warning is because “body and soul” interactions matter. There is no substitute for real body and soul community. For “shared communal activities with others face-to-face.” This will “not only help you to develop a full range of moral capacities, but also (give) you a sense of proportion.”

Because LIFE is not exactly as YOU experience it.

Civil interactions with those with whom you might disagree are a must in a civil society. Otherwise, we are reduced to power struggles, most often framed by today’s Critical Theorists as a struggle between oppressor and oppressed. Or cynical political activists more concerned with “winning” than true Justice for All, rich and poor. For them, there are no real Truths, just power relationships between groups. And if you are moral, in the sense they define morality, you will align yourself with marginalized groups (real or imagined) or with your political party and “win.” By any means necessary, if it comes to that.

Of course the classic Christian response (not Stock’s) is to remind everyone that all of us, white, black, brown, etc…rich and poor, male or female are broken people who frequently miss the mark of becoming truly human, which is to say human like Jesus. Our job as Christians is to humbly point toward a pathway of real recovery, body and soul. Only found “in Christ.” For rich and poor. Male and Female.

Stock reminds us that our own moral judgements need to be tested “in the crucible of daily human relations” where we can get “good feedback.”

For Christians, that must mean community dialogue with Scripture, the Church Universal and our Historic Traditions.

But far too often today’s social justice warriors are not interested in dialogue and feedback, certainly not with the past. Add to that the fact that so many kids today are fed an unending series of “catastrophic” possibilities UNLESS they get involved in rescuing the planet, or standing up for someone else’s “identity” they are told great harm will result.


They shout. They cancel. They shutdown. Those cocky young “speech-sanitizers.”

Disrespectfully sure of themselves, they cancel their opponents. Ironically, all for the sake of “inclusion.”

By not wanting to cause perceived harm to expressive individuals (like themselves) or to the planet, they silence “immoral” dissent. For the pursuit of real and sometimes unavoidably messy communal interaction, which may assist in uncovering difficult to uncover truths, and tempering their own sharp edges, they don’t seem to care. They feel hurt themselves, or they virtue signal by “hurting” for others. Because they “know” enough to know that those who disagree must be oppressors, or on the side of oppression and therefore must be silenced.

The alternative of being open to disagreement, and allowing those who speak the Truth as they understand Truth, a Truth which may sometimes hurt. A Truth that may be critical of individual choices….simply cannot be allowed. Besides. For them, there is only “my truth and your truth.” And they have organized to see that their truth wins. They are vigorously for the “victims” after all. So they must be right.

Any deviations must be silenced by the speech-sanitizers clutching their “harmless” safety blankeys.

With this logic expressive individualists may only be “affirmed.” All 88 genders (at last count). At all costs. Unfortunately, as I’ve documented on this blog, those costs will be many.

Because Too much caring, not enough sharing is not truly caring at all.

Read the whole thing.

Other posts about Kathleen Stock.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

The Debate About Sex, Gender and Equality

Interview of Philosopher Kathleen Stock on the BBC’s “HARDtalk”. (23 minutes of your time.)

Stephen Sackur speaks to philosopher and author Kathleen Stock whose views on the immutability of biological sex and the limitations of gender self-identity have made her a hate figure for some transgender activists and supporters. Why has debate about sex, gender and identity become a culture war battleground?

Sex and identity are not the same thing.  And I honestly think, it's not just being rhetorical, most Transpeople know what sex they are.  Because sex is to do with chromosomes in the cells and the genitalia you were born with and the reproductive role that you have.  And you can artificially change those things but you haven't changed your basic state.

[18:32]. We need long term studies because you ask a child a year after they've started their journey whether they are happy, they may well be happy, but you know will they be happy at 25 will they be happy at 35?  Their prefrontal cortex hasn't fully grown in, you know.  So there are a lot of things still to happen that they may not be aware of, that they may not fully understand their own situation.

SS. (interviewer).   This is very personal to you.  You've been quite frank about your own journey.  You came out as gay, as lesbian, quite late in life after having been in a marriage and after having two children.  And you have since reflected on the fact that actually as a young person you did feel quite uncomfortable with the norms of femininity.

KS.  I think a lot of women do feel uncomfortable with the norms of femininity because they are so rigid and binary.  Probably men feel uncomfortable with norms of masculinity.

SS.  I'm wondering are you somebody who feels that if, as a young person, you had been offered the opportunity, the access to hormone treatments and other therapies, you might have taken them?

KS.  Well I might have done.  I'm sure I would have probably called myself non-binary, you know, if that had been available to me, I'm sure that would have resonated with me completely.

SS.  In a way do you see your life as a sort of message that actually it would have been wrong for you to receive treatment as an adolescent?  Can you be sure about that?

KS.  YES!  I mean you've got to be clear about what these drugs mean.  Like you know you are permanently rendered different.  You may be infertile.  I wouldn't have been able to have my children.  You know, asked at the age 12 do I want children?   I'm sure I would have said no.  I hadn't a clue of what I was talking about.  Why would children regret removing their breasts?  

This is a ridiculous kind of conversation because in every other domain it would be absolutely obvious that we wouldn't give these life changing medical alterations to children even if they said they wanted them because they don't fully understand the situation.  But in this particular area adults are cheering them on.  And that's a failure of adults.  It is not a failure of the children.  It is a failure of adults and the institutions that should be protecting these children.


Click on Image for full interview.

Kathleen Stock

One of the many books I’ve read on the subject in the last year. For the more philosophically inclined <grin>.

Other post about Philosopher Stock and her experience at the University of Sussex.


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.

Love refuses to affirm confusion.


What’s In A Name?

From Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT), a suffering mother.

My sweet kid. It’s your 14th birthday but we can’t sing the song and watch you blow out the candles as we always have. We can’t even say your name—to utter the name I gave you—your given name—is forbidden.  It’s what you like to call your “dead name”. It’s one of the many lies you have been told.  

How did this happen?  Your life was once so full of joy.  

You loved to play soccer in the rain. I remember the last time I watched you on the muddy hill on the sidelines from my lawn chair. I didn’t know it would be the very last time. I was under my tiny umbrella, freezing cold. I can still see you running, with your face to the sky, laughing as the tears rained down from the clouds.  

You were so strong and confident—fast and proud. You felt so sure of yourself until your body betrayed you. Your breasts made you cripplingly self-conscious and some extra weight around your hips and thighs just slowed you down.  

You have somehow decided not only that it would be easier to be a boy but that you are a boy. Your own sister feeds into your delusion and encourages you.  I’m powerless to stop her.  

Source:  PITT

Read the rest of the story.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion