Speaking to the fact that gender clinics in the UK National Health Service are overwhelmed…..
Nutshelling for us the many social consequences of Transgender Ideology.
Blue Ridge Style & Beyond
Speaking to the fact that gender clinics in the UK National Health Service are overwhelmed…..
Nutshelling for us the many social consequences of Transgender Ideology.
Marcus Evans is a Psychoanalyst in private practice and formerly served as Consultant Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for 20 years.
He came to see that the management of the Trust was politicized. He began to think “that the political tail was wagging the clinical dog.”
He supported Keira Bell and wrote about his thoughts on this important case. Well. For his efforts, Twitter locked his account. And Facebook shut him down.
Here’s a long form interview on YouTube with someone who saw what was happening on the inside of the UK Health System. And said something about it. Very informative about the history of the Trans phenomenon in the UK.
GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service)
Mermaids (UK Charity and advocacy organization that supports gender variant and transgender youth.)
Eighteen year-old treated as a heretic for suggesting that biological sex is real. (Sounds like a cult to me.)
A female member of the House of Lords visited a private girls’ school to talk about transphobia in parliament.
The girl told The Times: “The language she was using was implying critical theory took precedence over biological reality in defining women.”
When the 18 year-old questioned the position of the Lord’s member, she was met afterward by 60 other girls at the school “who shouted, screamed, swore and spat at her. She escaped and said she collapsed, unable to breathe properly.”
She was labeled a “transphobe” and because of the attack and the general non-supportive atmosphere is no longer at that school.