Show Me The 3rd Gamete, And We Can Talk

So says the witty Helen Joyce with her Twitter tag. That’s slightly snarky, but it points to a fundamental reality. There are only two human gametes. Sperm for males. Ova for females.

That’s it folks.

If you produce many small gametes, sperm, with an intense desire to swim upstream, you are indisputably male. If you produce relatively few large gametes, ovum (eggs), which await the most qualified mating partner, you are indisputably female.

And nothing you do or desire can change that fundamental reality.


Anything else is trans-humanist confusion. [See this post!]

The Natchez by Delacroix – 1835
Oil on Canvas
Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

For those who would point to Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD’s) as reason enough to throw out the male – female sex binary, please read:


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]


Stop Telling Children, “Male” & “Female” Are “Feelings”

Arrant nonsense, says Helen Joyce in her latest op-ed.

Male and female are objective biological terms, and we’re all one or the other, and which one we are can’t change.

Little children think superficial things like hairstyles and clothing determine whether someone is a boy or girl.

Normally, by around age seven they work out that your sex depends only on which body type you have.

But if adults they trust tell them falsehoods at this critical moment, they may be permanently confused.

Schools should not teach children unscientific nonsense about the sexes.

It’s as bad as allowing anti-vaxxers write the science syllabus, or flat-earthers provide geography lessons.

Read the whole thing.

“Confusion” by Hamner_Fotos is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 


Dystopian, Narcissistic Desire

Duncan, a gay man, gets it.

Although the latest medical development is celebrated by PinkNews, Duncan has a different reaction.

Reproductive technology and genetic engineering will “liberate” us from our biological constraints.

According to Dr Narendra Kaushik, who provides “gender-affirming” care and surgeries in India for Transgender patients, he now wants to be the first to transplant a uterus into a transgender woman (biological male).

"This is the future. We cannot predict exactly when this will happen but it will happen very soon.

"We have our plans and we are very very optimistic about this."

Apparently business is booming. With 20 percent of his patients coming from overseas. And soon he will try this on one of his male patients.

Someone on Twitter commented:

But I thought being a woman had nothing to do with biology?

Read the original story in the U.K. Mirror.

Is anybody asking this question: what will happen to the gestating baby in the transplanted womb of a hormone dependent Trans-woman?
