“Choose Your Own Sex” Bill

JK Rowling

My favorite rich-gal author, JK Rowling, who refuses to go quietly, just tweeted about a proposed Scottish Gender Self-ID Bill. Rowling says it:

will harm the most vulnerable women in society

She is thinking mostly about “those seeking help after violence/rape and incarcerated women. Statistics show that imprisoned women are already far more likely to have been previously abused.”

She fears the consequences of a law that redefines what it means to be female.

If passed, the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill will make it much easier for Scots to choose their own legal sex, including reducing the minimum age to 16!

Up to now, Scots wishing to “change sex” first needed a medical diagnosis of gender-dysphoria. They also needed to live as a member of their chosen sex for at least two years.

But the new bill if passed will enshrine Self-ID into Scottish Law. And will allow 16 year olds to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate based on their “inner sense of gender.”

Those concerned about protecting biological women and their single-sex spaces have been likened to racial segregationists in an Equality Impact Assessment attached to the Bill.

My response to that slur is to say: race is an immutable human characteristic.

Choosing an identity detached from every biological measuring stick, chromosomes, DNA, reproductive organs, gametes, etc….is most certainly not an immutable characteristic with which you are born. But something you confusedly choose. (See my rebuttal of the “assigned at birth” fiction here and here.)

And about the race thing.

If I, as a biological white guy, chose to identify as a black woman and then expected to be socially remunerated for my intersectional status as a black woman, would/should anyone take me seriously?

We all know the answer to that question, don’t we?

But playing the ”race card” has a certain cultural cache. Thankfully, today, most in the Western world don’t want to be considered racists. Or indeed are racists. So slinging that slur is an an uncharitable rhetorical trick designed to intimidate.

It won’t work here.

Sex is immutable too. You can’t change your sex. You will always be either male or female. No matter how you feel internally about the matter. As a Christian, I would add that God gave you your body, as mediated through your biological parents. It can’t be fundamentally changed. Only rebelled against.

I discuss the exceptionally rare instances of DSD’S (Disorders of Sexual Development) here,  here, and here.  These rare DSD’s are also unchangeable.

In a previous post I wrote the following reasons about why male and females are justifiably separated. a justification that does not apply when speaking of race. Men are on average stronger, bigger and faster than women. And they present a far greater physical threat because of those differences.

Public safe spaces for biological women, spaces that were constructed so that men and women could work and recreate together outside the home will be threatened if today’s radical disembody movement proceeds unhindered. Those safe spaces were constructed with full recognition of the specific biological differences, privacy concerns, AND most importantly differences in vulnerability between men & women. If the radical disembody movement wins the argument public spaces like sex-specific intimate facilities such as restrooms, locker rooms, etc., could be entered by a biological male identifying as a female on Tuesday morning, and then by Tuesday afternoon that same male could revert back to a male identity and access the nearest male restroom “in an emergency.” 

Under this logic, saying you are a trans-woman (otherwise known as biological male) with the right to enter female spaces is a totally unfalsifiable assertion.

As most of us can imagine, women prisoners are particularly concerned about Self-ID. They should be.

When it comes to prisoners, I join philosopher Kathleen Stock who argues we should construct “third-spaces” for trans-women (biological males) who are fearing for their safety. The argument presented by Trans-Activists is that trans-women should be able to come into female spaces because they feel at risk from men (in prison, for example). But Stock sees a failure of imagination when it comes to the female perspective.

People today find it much easier to imagine the vulnerability of a trans-woman in a dormitory, or a hostel or a prison than it is to imagine a rape survivor in a context where the law says any male could enter her heretofore female only protected space on the basis of Self-Identification, a totally subjective concept.

Regardless of the legal realities, social institutions, like state interscholastic athletic associations, have already lept ahead. Self-ID is the means by which you can enter a range of spaces already; female only athletic competitions, bathrooms, locker rooms, and prisons. Surgically intact male people enter female prisons all the time. Most trans-identified “females” with male bodies will not cause trouble in this context, but some will. Some will have used this loophole for nefarious purposes as we’ve already tragically found out. When you consider the widely recognized statistic that most women in prison have suffered sexual abuse by men, this new Self-ID social twist will only increase their anxiety of abuse happening again, but this time during incarceration.

Yet we don’t seem to mind putting people with penises in these spaces because we seem to be more concerned with the perspective of people with penises than with vulnerable biological females. Stock’s feminist perspective claims this is just another form of misogyny.

On page 72 of Stock’s very fine book “Material Girls: Why Reality Matters For Feminism.”(Kindle edition) we read about a previously convicted male paedophile who was placed in a UK women’s prison.

"Trans woman Karen White, in receipt of neither surgical nor hormonal intervention nor a legal Gender Recognition Certificate, was put in a women's prison on the basis of gender identity and promptly sexually assaulted female prisoners there.1https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison
Transgender prisoner Karen White in March 2018.
A custody photo of transgender prisoner Karen White taken in March 2018. Photograph: West Yorkshire Police/PA

Stop the madness.

Source: The Scottish Sun


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.” Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated. 

Email: blog@blueridgemountain.life

A Four Year Old & The Transgender Bear


This happened in the UK. When the mother Tatiana Suarez raised the issue with the school they suggested she find another school for her 4 year-old since Islington Ofsted is an “inclusive” school.

Tatiana did just that.

I expect School Choice initiatives in the U.S. to be a rather hot-button political issue in the coming years.

The Body Deniers Among Us

Okay. I watched the following public service announcement (PSA) several times this weekend while enjoying Men’s College Basketball via Hulu.

Love March Madness!

Adidas featured a commercial which highlighted a transgender athlete. It also ran repeatedly. We got a Gender-Ideology full-press this weekend.

In the PSA below the sports of soccer, basketball, field hockey, and gymnastics were highlighted. Now, if the team camaraderie encouraged in this PSA is just for the purpose of organizing local pickup games, like at the YMCA, I don’t see any problem with boys and girls playing together, within reason (is there much left these days?).

But once it gets really serious, and the stakes are higher, say, with organized High School athletics and beyond, like it is with men’s March Madness, you are smokin’ weed or something worse if you think post-pubescent biological men and women can and should compete together.

Full contact sport, with men and women competing together?

That’s insane.

Here’s the 30 sec PSA….

Another thing about this PSA. It highlights team sport.

What about those sports that are mostly about individual achievement? Say swimming? Or Boxing? Mix Martial Arts? Wrestling? Figure Skating? Or like some of the ones you’ll find later in this post?

Yet even in team sport we would have an “inclusion” problem. Maybe Team A has included 3 biological males and they start for Team A’s basketball squad. Their opponent has the more traditional, less inclusive, 5 out of 5 biological female starters. Are you gonna tell me that the difference in those bodies doesn’t matter?

Are you smoking peyote?

Have you seen how physical and fast, and yes, more athletic, men’s basketball is compared to women’s basketball? There is a good reason for that.

Stop denying the madness. A Transwoman is not a real woman.

Real World Examples

Why do you think the Ukrainian government refused to allow able bodied males between the ages of 18 and 59 to leave Ukraine? Was that just another example of deep seated old-world patriarchy? Something the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) human relation’s folk would find deeply offensive and legally actionable? Do you think the women and children of Ukraine would want to minimize, for the sake of inclusion, those male-bodied capabilities right now?

Not on their life, they wouldn’t.

The PSA above propagandizes a radical “gender neutral” agenda. No-doubt facilitated by young people who have watched too many Saturday morning cartoons where the female superheroes “kick ass” just like the males. This fiction is also made easier because our young people have been groomed from Kindergarten to think male/female body differences don’t matter or are irrelevant.

See the following posts for more information about how our schools have developed this agenda and have also co-opted parental prerogatives. 

And these posts for more information on how Gender Ideology impacts women's sport.

Here in the real world of sport, post-pubescent male length of bone, muscle mass, and natural testosterone infused aggressiveness, etc., will leave females in the dust. Or injure them. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming. And probably agenda driven.

If male bodied athletes are allowed to compete with female bodied athletes, this will mean the end of women’s sport.

Is that the world we want to live in?

This is not about discouraging anyone genuinely confused about their sex or gender identity from playing pickup games during school gym class.

This is about refusing to recognize that when it comes to competitive sport, where potential scholarships are on the line, and perhaps the slight chance of a professional contract awaits, the body deniers among us are living in a dangerous fantasy world, a world that doesn’t care about female athletes.

In 2017 at the Connecticut State High School Track and Field Championship Andraya Yearwood won the women’s 100 meter and 200 meter races. Bully for her. Right? But here’s the problem. Andraya is a biological male. In Connecticut, students are allowed to play sports in accordance with their gender identity regardless of medical transition status. Andraya underwent no medical interventions prior to winning. No puberty blockers. No cross-sex hormones, in this case estrogen. “She” simply identified as “female” and proceeded to crush the competition.

You can read the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference Transgender policy here.

With her father, Rahsaan Yearwood, photographing from the sideline Cromwell High School freshman Andrea Yearwood wins the 200 meter dash during her first track meet as a transgender female. In middle school, Yearwood ran with the boys but, her father said, “If she won the nationals in the boys, she wouldn’t be as happy as coming in 15th in a local meet with the girls and that says everything about why she is running on the girls team and not the boys." Yearwood won the 200 in 26.34 seconds.
Yearwood Crushing the Competition in “Her” First HS Race Against Females

This was allowed because the Connecticut Athletic Association along with several other state athletic associations has been captured by Gender Ideology. If you think the increased length of bone, muscle mass, heart and lung size of post pubescent males doesn’t confer a male advantage in a sport where speed and strength matter then you need to

Put down the peyote!

Here’s how a Hartford Courant journalist put it: “As We Rightfully Applaud Yearwood, We Must Acknowledge Many Questions Remain.”

Is this the world we want live in?

You can read about 4 biological female athletes who filed suit against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) here.

Connecticut high school track athletes Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, and Alanna Smith
3 of the 4, Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, Alanna Smith

Hannah Mouncey, who transitioned at age 26, is 6ft 2 in and weighs 220lb. Mouncey is a biological male but participates in a female Australian Rules Football league and pulverizes female players on the field. A picture is worth more than words.

Hannah Mouncey, playing at VFLW level, says she is planning legal action against the AFL in order to play local footy in Canberra. (AAP Image/James Ross)
Hannah Mouncey, playing at VFLW level, says she is planning legal action against the AFL in order to play local footy in Canberra. (AAP Image/James Ross)Source: News Corp Australia

Is this fair? Or is there an intrinsic injustice of pitting one sort of sexed body against another very different sort?

I’m with the real girls on this one. And against the body deniers among us.

The “Gender Identity and Expression” movement has a multitude of legal and cultural ramifications that most people have yet to think about in their rush to “affirm” confused individual choice for the sake of being, or being seen as, inclusive and/or non-bigoted.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.