Biology is not Bigotry

As gender identity ordinances and bathroom battles sweep the nation, ordinary Americans have had to confront the question of whether their long-standing beliefs about the sexes are based on biology or bigotry.

Today’s radical disembody movement is realigning the socio/political map. Radical Feminists, Lesbians, and other self-described political progressives are joining forces with political conservatives because most News Outlets and Progressive Organizations will not hear their concerns.

Here is some evidence of that realignment at a conference held by the conservative Heritage Foundation a few years back.

Link Disclaimer :1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything you’ll find there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Lesbians United?

In past blog posts I’ve mentioned the historically uneasy alliance between gays and lesbians. But, given their marginalized status, they would often overlook their differences and align themselves on the basis that “an enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This was done in order to achieve common political goals.

A similar alliance happened in the Western world when Transgender and Gender Identity advocacy entered the public consciousness in a big way several years ago. LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) aligned with TQ+ (Transgender, Queer, etc…) again, largely on the basis of a shared sense of victimhood, so that “an enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Solidarity among these marginalized groups achieved many political and cultural gains over the past two decades.

But now many homosexuals are beginning to question the basic ideas upon which the TQ+ agenda is based. Lesbians in particular are opting out of a decades long alliance. Increasingly they are coming round to the view that women, especially lesbian women, are being hurt by Gender Identity Ideology.

I don’t know a lot about the group “Lesbian’s United.” But a trusted source posted their social media link. And given my study on this issue in the last 18 months, I’m sympathetic to their point of view. I hope my readers, especially my gay and lesbian readers, find the following information important.

As always my standard link disclaimer applies: “Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.”

Their web site is here. A few bullet point quotes and one graphic from their website summarizes their point of view.


After the gay liberation movement of the 1970s, older generations of lesbians and gay men allowed heterosexuals to invade our communities. Heterosexuals have appropriated our culture, our funding, and our spaces; branded lesbians as “trans” or “queer”; and demanded that we accept men into our beds.

Lesbians United is here to take our community back.

We’re here. Not queer. Get used to it.


At more than 300 US clinics, young tomboys are being medicated and operated on by doctors who want to turn them into facsimiles of heterosexual men. But these procedures – sold as “transition” – are painful, irreversible, and incredibly dangerous. They can and do result in death.

Lesbians United isn’t just fighting against medical malpractice. We’re fighting to save the next generation of lesbians. And the stakes couldn’t be higher.


What is transition?
transition, n.

a series of unnecessary medical procedures designed to turn the victim into a facsimile of the opposite sex.

The unnecessary procedures sold as “transition” include chemotherapy drugs, artificial hormones, cosmetic breast amputation, surgical sterilization, and genital mutilation.

These procedures are being marketed to homosexuals, and to the parents of children who show early signs of homosexuality.


Child Transition is based in the belief

… that it’s okay to sterilize and castrate kids who show early signs of homosexuality.

… that it’s better to medicalize your daughter than let her grow up lesbian.


Lesbians are a tiny minority, but we make up the vast majority of female “gender dysphoria” diagnoses.
100 percent
of girls labeled “trans” are attracted to other girls.


Of course not all lesbians view these matters similarly. But unfortunately we’ve reached a point that any dissent within the ranks is simply not tolerated by Gender Identity activists. An important lesbian voice, Philosopher Kathleen Stock, will not be silenced. I posted about her here. And here. Dissent is growing.

Finally. I’ve lost count of the number of butch lesbians that I’ve read or viewed on social media that are beyond thankful that they did not enter puberty during today’s Gender Identity moment. By their own admission, they probably would have taken the body mutilation route had it been offered to them. And identified as men. Or as Lesbian’s United puts it; “facsimiles of heterosexual men.”

My next post will offer specific evidence of a realignment in the “progressive” political zeitgeist. Stay tuned.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Ending Women’s Sport?

I said some strong things about Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner in my last post.  But on one thing Jenner and I wholeheartedly agree. Post pubescent males should not be allowed to compete against biological females in most sporting events.  It is simply not fair to do so.  And may result in the end of competitive sport for the ladies.  Jenner, considered one of the world’s greatest male athletes, recognizes the inherent unfairness of pitting male bodies against female bodies in sporting events where speed and strength are most important.

I was a good athlete myself “back in the day.” I ran track like Jenner. My times in my best event over 40 years ago would be competitive with the fastest female athletes in the world today. Male bodies possess huge biological and competitive strength and speed advantages over female bodies. Everyone knows this. Or at least we all once did.

I sometimes wonder if young people are not uniquely susceptible to a Gender Ideology that considers male-female body types irrelevant partially because they’ve consumed hours and hours of comic book fantasies which show the female super hero characters “kicking ass” just like male characters. Or because of the untold hours they spend in the virtual realities of the Internet where avatars and online personas become utterly believable to them. It’s fantasy folks! As any women who has ever fought or been assaulted by a reasonably healthy, physically average, or above average male could readily explain.


It wasn’t that long ago in the Western world females were not allowed to publicly compete in sport.  It was considered most un-lady-like.  

Thankfully those days are in the cultural rear view mirror.  But now female athletes face what I regard as an existential threat to their active participation in most competitive sport.

I’ve already posted something about this threat. You can read about some “Real World Examples” in my “A Gender Identity Win For Women?” post.

I just became aware of another one.

Another Real World Example

Will Thomas, a native of Austin, Texas, competed for the Penn men’s swimming team for three seasons before taking off the pandemic year. During the 2018-19 season, Will was second-team All-Ivy League in the 500 freestyle, 1,000 free and 1,650 free. In 2019-20, Thomas competed in four of Penn’s eight regular-season events. According to the Penn swimming archives, Will Thomas last competed for the men’s team on November 16, 2019.

But now Will is Lia. And Lia is smashing women’s records in every event Lia enters.

Lia Thomas

A few female swimmers have anonymously announced their dismay. According to Outkick Reports

Even after a Wednesday team meeting where a source says Penn administration “strongly advised” its swimmers to avoid talking to the media about the situation surrounding transgender Penn swimmer Lia Thomas, a second female Penn swimmer has stepped forward to speak out via an exclusive interview with OutKick.

The second female Penn swimmer to speak out, who was granted anonymity due to what is viewed as threats from the university, activists, and the political climate, wants people to know that Penn swimmers are “angry” over the lack of fairness in the sport as Lia Thomas destroys the record books and brings fellow teammates to tears.

The second Penn swimmer to come forward was at the University of Akron Zippy Invitational where she watched Lia Thomas beat fellow teammate Anna Kalandadze by 38 seconds in the 1650 freestyle. OutKick’s source described Penn swimmers on the Akron pool deck as upset and crying, knowing they were going to be demolished by Thomas. . .

After just five meets and the Akron Invitational, Thomas has not just destroyed opponents. The Penn freestyle records are being rewritten by a swimmer who was second-team All-Ivy league in 2018-19 — as a male.

Akron was an absolute beatdown by Thomas, but it wasn’t without disgust from fans who were in the building watching meet, pool, and school records drop one after the other.

“Usually everyone claps, everyone is yelling and cheering when someone wins a race. Lia touched the wall and it was just silent in there,” OutKick’s source said during a phone interview.

“When [Penn swimmer] Anna [Kalandadze] finished second, the crowd erupted in applause.” . . .

A team source who was at Wednesday’s meeting says the administration drew a line in the sand and announced that Thomas wasn’t going anywhere and it was non-negotiable.

That leaves disgusted teammates no choice but to either stay quiet or speak up against the wishes of the school and risk repercussions. The second swimmer to speak out says that it’s her belief that coach Mike Schnur is just staying quiet and going about his business.

Another anonymous source said:

“They feel so discouraged because no matter how much work they put in it, they’re going to lose. Usually, they can get behind the blocks and know they out-trained all their competitors and they’re going to win and give it all they’ve got,”

Cynthia Millen of USA Swimming quit her job in protest.

Cynthia Millen quit her job with USA Swimming in protest of transgender Penn swimmer Lia Thomas / via Fox News

“It’s placing women who can never compete with a man at a gross disadvantage by basically … calling this person a female competitor,” Millen told a recent interviewer at Fox. “He’s not. It’s his body that will always be different and always be faster as a competitive swimmer. And it’s this great illusion that somehow, because he feels he’s a female, that he can be a female swimmer. This is grossly unfair to all the women who have worked so hard. Women biologically will never be faster than men.”

Still, the NCAA remains silent on Thomas and seems set to allow the Penn swimmer to attend the NCAA championships in March where Thomas will be the odds on favorite to leave with at least one national title and maybe more.

“Bodies swim against bodies. Gender identities don’t swim,” Millen told Fox. “Lia is a man who is swimming against women.”

Katie Ledecky, watch out! Here comes Lia!


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.” Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated. 
