Species Fluidity? Transpups?

In 2016 a documentary revealed a previously little-known global subculture of people living double lives as “human pups”, wearing elaborate dog suits and engaging in “human puppy play” with their handlers.

I wish I could say this is just one big publicity gag. But, I can’t.

You can read details about the subculture at this news story in The Guardian (UK). A trailer of the documentary is embedded in the story. Check it out.


Here are two quotes from the story that should sound familiar to those who’ve been reading this blog or following the logic of the Gender Identity movement.

Kaz, another pup, argues that for some, being a puppy isn’t just a fun mask to try on – it’s how they identify; it’s who they are.

Whether we see it as a kink, an identity, a reaction to an early experience, a form of escapism or a fetish, the main thing, says Tom, is that we see it at all; that we know it’s there and accept it. “It feels like you can be gay, straight, bisexual, trans and be accepted,” he says. “All I want is for the pup community to be accepted in the same way. We’re not trying to cause grief to the public, or cause grief to relationships. We’re just the same as any other person on the high street.”



Louis Hersent – Pandora Reclining in a Wooded Landscape –
Public Domain

This is the Pandora’s Box we’ve opened up. Trans-activists and Gender Identity Ideologues often accuse critics like me of supporting biological determinism. The “pups” in this story would accuse me of species determinism.

Do we want to live in this world? Again it cannot be a question of loving confused people. That’s a given. These folk need therapy, prayer and plenty of hugs. Not pats on the head, or belly rubs.


If you are still interested, here’s an interview of one of the documentary “puppy” stars. When you finish please read my reflections below.


For most people sex becomes visible at birth, or via ultrasound, whichever comes first.  We are born anatomically, chromosomally, male or female.  But even before that, mature reproductive cells called gametes, male sperm & female eggs, determine biological sex.  When the sperm fertilizes an egg at conception, the baby will be either a male or female human.  At around seven weeks, if the embryo is male, the testes secretes testosterone, masculinizing the brain, if the embryo is female, this process does not occur.

Sex is not “assigned” at birth. [See my rebuttal of that fiction here.]  This rhetorical move by Transgender activists (widely used and accepted) suggests that your sex may be reassigned, surgically or otherwise, even though your DNA encodes every cell in your body as either male or female.  Against all reason in my view, some think reassignment possible.   Even some medical professionals, and well known medical associations have gone along with this fiction. 

I blogged about the politicization of the medical profession here and here

We are told by many in this debate that the body is essentially irrelevant, which leaves us with the more relevant characteristics of mind, will, imagination, desire, emotions, all components of our inner life.  Outer life, visible life, the life of the five senses, biological life, DNA encoded life, are deemed insufficiently relevant. Only what we think, what we desire, really matters.

Thus, inner conviction trumps biology, and thereby divorces our humanity, splitting our mind-body unity into two disconnected parts, resulting in mind-body alienation.

Okay.  If that split is one that ought to be recognized by society, what about these bloaks in the UK who think they are dogs? Are there any limits to psychological preference and the convictions of the inner life?  If you think you are a bird and jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, will you fly? 

If psychology trumps biology, then when you say you are a dog, aren’t you indisputably a dog?  And shouldn’t public policy accommodate that belief? What’s to keep an activist from shouting “a trans pup is a real pup!” If there are zero biological boundaries to consider, why not?  If there can be gender fluidity, why not species fluidity?  Logically, what’s the difference? 


How is this not mental confusion screaming out for therapy and prayer? How can we possibly affirm these mental disorders?  If we disregard chromosomal sex, (males are born with XY chromosomes, females have XX chromosomes,) if we deny what male and female gametes have “lovingly” produced why can’t someone deny their species genetic markers?  If we disregard the breasts, uterus and ovaries, the penis and testicles, the unmistakeable reproductive parts of males and females, what’s to stop someone from disregarding their humanity and unfortunate lack of paws? 

If you accept the premise that it is only what we think, feel, desire or will that truly and fully identifies us, even though every DNA informed cell in the body says otherwise, how can you deny Transpups the same legal recognition as those who are Transgender or any other identity they wish to claim? Isn’t this something we must accept to qualify as an inclusive society?

I’ll be the first to admit that biological facts are not everything. I’m not a philosophical materialist. But those facts are not nothing. For I believe our bodies are gifts from God, in partnership with our parentage, of course.  If we disregard our bodies don’t we disregard our God-given design? And isn’t that delusional?


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm” those with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria). Please read this post for more details.


If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated. 

Email: blog@blueridgemountain.life


Fleeing Womenhood Like A House On Fire
The Rise of Gender Identity Ideology
And Its Effects on Women and Girls

Here is a well-done four part documentary by a woman from India about gender dysphoria and Gender Identity Ideology.

I recommend you turn on CC (closed captioning). Most of the interviews are done over the Internet via computer, an audio engineer’s nightmare.

Also some of the screens contain a lot of information and you’ll want to pause frequently to read the details. I’ve covered most of these bases already in my blog, but this is a good video presentation about an epidemic sweeping the western world and unfortunately because of the internet making inroads in developing countries as well. Please share.

Misogyny takes many forms.

If you have questions or comments about any of this, I would love to hear them. Send them along to blog@blueridgemountain.life


Link Disclaimer :1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything you’ll find there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.





If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]

[Full disclosure. I recently became an Amazon Associate. So I will receive a very small percentage of the sale of any books I recommend on my blog. Just so you know.]


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm” those who have a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria). Please read this post for more details.

Podcast Persuasion

Here’s an excellent podcast hosted by Bari Weiss. She interviews Abigail Shrier. Many important questions and answers. Shrier covers the thesis of her book, her recent article that I blogged about yesterday, how schools are keeping student secrets from parents. She talks about online porn (our boys are hurting!). Institutional Capture. And encourages us to speak up about our medicalized identity crisis.

We are experimenting on our kids, especially our girls.

So many bases are covered. Highly recommended! Passionate and persuasive. Listen on your way to work. Or while you are out walking the dog, running, riding etc…share with your friends.

Podcast Link

Bella is listening right now!


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]

[Full disclosure. I recently became an Amazon Affiliate. So I will receive a very small percentage of the sale of any books I recommend on my blog. Just so you know.]


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm” those with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria). Please read this post for more details.