Happy Mother’s Day!!

Our lives begin at conception. Our sex, our ethnicity, even our hair color are determined at the moment two gametes, sperm and egg, meet.

I believe we are obliged to respect that beginning by not ending life prematurely. Or unnecessarily. [See post below].

Human Life – The Beginning

Human Life – The Beginning

The Mississippi law upheld by last year’s Supreme Court ruling placed a restriction on abortion after 15 weeks, with exceptions for a medical emergency or severe fetal abnormality. This restriction is viewed as extreme by some.

What do you think?


Protect Human Life & Celebrate Mothers

Freedom of Religion & Speech

Father Sean Gough: Credit ADF UK

Father Sean Gough, a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England, faced criminal charges for praying for free speech outside an abortion clinic after business hours in violation of a strict buffer zone law in the English city of Birmingham. “I pray wherever I go, inside my head, for the people around me. How can it be a crime for a priest to pray?” he said in a Feb. 9, 2023, statement from the ADF UK legal group.

Full Story

Father Sean Gough, a priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England, stood near a closed abortion clinic on Station Road in Birmingham with a sign that said “praying for free speech.”. Credit: ADF UK


Unborn Lives Matter!

Four Pinocchios For Planned Parenthood – Podcast

Four Pinocchios For Planned Parenthood – Podcast

Correction: Quote from Dr. Wen was from the year 2019, not 2022.

Washington Post Fact-Checker Article

What Is Abortion?

Dr. Leana Wen of Planned Parenthood.


Choose Life