Trans-Women Athletes Are Not Women Athletes.

Decent article in the BBC. But it stops short. We must stop denying reality. Two current elite runners say effectively, ”stop the madness!” There are many more female athletes saying the same.

The British athletes, one of whom is an Olympian, believe athletes should only be allowed to compete in the category of their biological sex.
The athletes who spoke to BBC podcast The Sports Desk have asked to remain anonymous for fear of social media backlash and losing sponsorship deals.
"We have seen at the Olympics last year trans women being included in the female category, and that then takes away an opportunity for one woman to be called an Olympian, and that is something we all dream of." - elite female athlete.
Athlete B said: "We've made great strides in encouraging women into sport.
"This is actually excluding more women from sport and it will slowly turn around so then we won't have a female category any more, but it will be just taken over by trans women who are biologically male."
"I haven't actually spoken to another athlete that doesn't feel the way I feel," said athlete A. "Every single female athlete I've spoken to is scared to speak out."

The BBC secured one revealing rebuttal from an actual Trans-athlete. Here’s what Trans-Athlete racing driver Charlie Martin had to say. (Charlie drives a machine!)

"You look at people like Ian Thorpe, the swimmer - he had size 17 feet and hands to match, he basically had four flippers on the end of his limbs," she told BBC Sport.

"The guy won gold medals and did anyone turn round to say 'well, that's not fair, he's got a massive advantage'?

But that obviously misses the point for all athletes that don’t drive machines! No woman on the planet could match Ian Thorpe’s length of bone naturally given to him by testosterone.


Get the point.

We may extend a wide range of civil rights to confused people. But let’s not affirm their confusions. And by doing so, deny justice to women.

Like the ACLU wants to do.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Our Intuitions About Fair Play

What ever happened to Fair Play? And Truth?


Biological Male, Lia Thomas, NCAA Women’s Champion


Martina Navratilova Says Governing Sport’s Bodies Are Wrong

Martina Navratilova, one of the greatest female athletes of all time, and one of the first openly gay athletes, says Lia Thomas shouldn’t swim against women. This is not about civil rights. But about fairness. And the fundamental difference between male and female bodies.

When it comes to sport, Navratilova says, biology should determine competitive categories. At the end of the interview you’ll be interested in her comments about her friend and one time competitor and coach, Transsexual Renee Richards.

Highly recommended interview!