Female Athletes Finally Being Heard?

In a previous post, See The Twilight of Women’s Sport?, I highlighted another biological male who wishes to compete against women at the elite level. The criticisms are beginning to cascade.

A few weeks ago, Emily Bridges, a trans-female British cyclist was barred from competing in the women’s British National Omnium Championship. Why? Because very interested parties are beginning to speak up. And opt out.

Bridges Competing in 2018 as a Man

Few people are saying that confused Transgender folk can’t and won’t have a wide range of civil rights extended to them. But when it comes to competitive sport, biology matters more than their inner desires. To deny this is simply irrational and it harms female athletes when we pretend otherwise. Of course, larger social agendas are at play here. Which is why we’ve gotten to this maddening point.

Bridges had been scheduled to compete against some of the UK’s most elite female cyclists, including Olympian Dame Laura Kenny, the UK’s most successful female Olympian in history. How well could Bridges be expected to do?

Before coming out as trans, …Bridges set the Junior Men’s national record for 25 miles in 2018 with a time of just over 47 minutes – two minutes faster than the current national record for adult women.

That’s how well…..

In the days leading up to the race, female competitors threatened to boycott the event in Derby, with the support of many high profile athletes and reportedly their coaches and performance team.

Finally, the powers that be, British Cycling, listened. At least for now. You might think those decision makers probably said something like, “well, we need to study this further.” Which they did say. But in fact, British Cycling’s bar of Bridges lacked substance. They simply kicked the can down the road based on a technicality. They said Bridges is not eligible to compete because he is still registered as a male cyclist.

Which means, what? If Bridges submits the appropriate paperwork, all is good to go?


However, if enough established female athletes raise their voices in chorus and threaten to walk out if biological sex is not the sole determining factor for competitive sport, then perhaps all won’t be good to go and we can reverse this awful body-denying trend in Women’s Sport.

This will take courage. Speak up ladies. The overwhelming majority of men and women will stand with you.

Here’s one. British Marathoner and two time Olympian, Mara Yamauchi.

Olympian Laura Weightman adds her voice.

And finally, one more Olympian.

…Sharron Davies, the former Olympic swimming star, accused the sport’s ruling bodies of ‘a blatant fudge’. Ms Davies said: ‘I think the very serious threat of a boycott helped hugely to concentrate their minds and cause intervention, but I’m being positive we are turning a corner. Sport is all about fairness there are ways to have inclusion without sacrificing Women’s sport.

‘It would not have been fair to ask Laura Kenny and the other women cyclists that Bridges would have come up against to have to race a rival with the advantages of a biological man. No amount of testosterone reduction can mitigate that, but we’re being told to turn a blind eye to science and biology, to keep quiet and suck it up’.  

Source: MailOnline

Hopefully, more women will refuse to “keep quiet and suck it up.” I pray for a criticism cascade. Katie Ledecky, we are listening. Here comes Lia.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

See the Twilight of Women’s Sport?

Biological male, Emily Bridges, a cyclist for Team Great Britain has continued to race against men even though Emily identifies as a woman. But because of hormone therapy, Emily’s testosterone levels are now low enough to meet the criteria set out by British Cycling, the sport’s governing body, for Emily to compete against women.

That was always Emily’s plan. How successful could Emily be?

Before coming out as trans, Ms Bridges set the Junior Men’s national record for 25 miles in 2018 with a time of just over 47 minutes – two minutes faster than the current national record for adult women.

Source: The Mail Online

Competing in 2018 before transitioning to a ”woman.”

What do female Team GB cyclists think about this development? Not sure. I strongly suspect they are being encouraged to either lie or take unfair defeat in silent submission. The following seems inevitable.

Top women cyclists who have helped Great Britain to historic triumphs face losing their team places after a trans woman announced she would now compete in female events.

Source: The Mail Online

For those keeping watch over women’s sport, the hour is getting late.