Competitive Inequality

Here’s a good story at the ”DailyMail” about trans-athletes and women’s sport.

Most Sport Scientist’s disagree with the International Olympic Committee’s recent decision to remove upper limit restrictions on testosterone levels, restrictions which only applied to biological male athletes who wanted to compete as women in Olympic competitions. Or in the rare instance of an athlete born with a DSD (Disorder of Sexual Development) which caused her body to produce abnormally high levels of testosterone. Speaking scientifically, testosterone enhances physical performance greatly.

But apparently now, Self-ID is enough for the IOC. Biological males no longer need to keep their testosterone levels low by taking estrogen. The IOC once thought that higher levels of testosterone would give biological males an unfair competitive advantage over biological females.

But according to the IOC, it is only an inner sense of gender that matters now. Inclusivity trumps science.

I wonder if many world-class female athletes agree.

Biological Male, Lia Thomas, NCAA Women’s Champion

Most important graphs in the Mail story.

‘The IOC (International Olympic Committee) framework doesn’t seem to acknowledge that there’s a massive tension, which you could read as probably being impossible to resolve, between inclusion – as people use it in this context – and fairness and safety for female competition,’ said Williams, senior author of an ‘expert statement’ on the eligibility of trans athletes for sex categories, which was compiled on behalf of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

‘Most people in my profession can’t see how all three things can be achieved satisfactorily – and most sports are going to have admit as much.’

The International Olympic Committee published new guidance on trans participation in November. It removed a recommended limit on testosterone production for the female category and instead prioritised the inclusion of trans athletes.

Activist groups welcomed the development. Human Rights Watch said it was a ‘significant step toward protecting the dignity of all women athletes’.

Here’s the problem, HRW, Trans-women are not real women. Lia Thomas spent 19 years of his life as a male. You can’t take the differences of puberty back. The physical advantages produced by post-pubescent testosterone guarantees competitive inequality.

Count the ways:

‘One is the growth of the skeleton, not just the length of bones but also their diameter and their mass. The second is the effect on muscle growth. Testosterone is a powerful stimulator of muscle growth, both in terms of the thickness of the muscle and the size of the individual fibres.

‘The third is raised blood levels of haemoglobin, the key protein for transporting oxygen around the body and exercising muscles during sport.

‘When someone lowers testosterone, the question is, what happens to those three things? Largely, the skeleton doesn’t change, it might just get a little bit less dense, but it is probably negligible. Muscle strength and mass probably reduces by a few per cent, based on the data so far, and less than half of the typical difference between men and women.’ – Source: Mail Online

We need to hear from courageous world class female athletes on this obvious threat to Women’s Sport. Rights, once conferred, are very difficult to rescind.

The hour is getting late.


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

Feminist Journalist & Twitter Addict

More Lia Thomas fall-out as Gender Critical Feminists ”speak” their mind and get reprimanded.

Feminist Journalist Milli Hill has written for the DailyMail UK, The Telegraph, and The Guardian. She has over 30k Twitter followers. And because she is “addicted to Twitter” she agreed to delete a tweet that got the Twitter God’s angry enough to block her Twitter account.

Another Twitter account user @JessDeWahls, who is perhaps less addicted to Twitter, just posted a screen capture of the ”offensive” tweet. Click below. I’m sharing widely.

Milli Hill is still concerned because she posted the same screen capture on her Instagram account.

Here’s another example of the Twitter God’s all A-twitter.

I don’t have accounts on social media. I gather info from there. And blog about what I find. That’s it. Big Tech is very pro-gender-ideology. I refuse to be caught in their censorious web. I pay for my webhosting.

Faulty Ideas Put Lia On The Podium

Biological Male, Lia Thomas, National Champion, Women’s 500 Freestyle

This tweet from Philosopher Kathleen Stock about her book Material Girls, and the erroneous ideas that put swimmer Lia Thomas on the Podium.

if you want to understand the ideas that put L. Thomas on that swimteam, or male rapists in women’s jails, or made mothers “gestators” (etc etc) grab it now.

Kathleen Stock

Only 99 cents for the Kindle edition!

Here is the link for her book, “Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism.” [Usual link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]

Material Girls – Hardcopy


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.