Civil-Rights Commissioners Ask Congress To Update Title IX To Specify ‘Biological Sex’

File this under Justice for Women.

The four conservatives on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights urged House Republicans to battle the Biden administration’s effort to give female-identifying male students access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, which could include amending Title IX to include “biological sex.”

The commissioners encouraged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to hold hearings on the proposed rule, unveiled last year by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, seeking to add sexual orientation and gender identity to Title IX, the 1972 law forbidding discrimination in education based on sex.

In the letter to Mr. McCarthy, they said that Assistant Education Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon is “ideologically committed to promoting gender identity over biological sex, and the interests of transgender students over the interests of other students.”

[Full Story Here]

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UK Parents Demand Answers After Man Plays Cricket Against 12 Year Old Girls

File this one under JUSTICE FOR FEMALES.

Concerned coaches and parents in the U.K. are raising alarm after a middle-aged transgender woman who transitioned from biological male was allowed to compete in cricket against girls as young as 12.

Multiple letters to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) from parents have expressed concern that the player, whose identity and exact age have not been revealed, possesses an unfair advantage over their girls by having undergone male puberty, according to The Telegraph.

Source: Yahoo News

Or course if you can argue you are a woman and not a man based purely on self-identity. And are legally regarded as such, by some Western countries. What’s to keep you from identifying as a teenager when you are really 35? And expecting the larger community to affirm that identity as well? Hmm?


Is The Western World That Insane?