Civil-Rights Commissioners Ask Congress To Update Title IX To Specify ‘Biological Sex’

File this under Justice for Women.

The four conservatives on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights urged House Republicans to battle the Biden administration’s effort to give female-identifying male students access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, which could include amending Title IX to include “biological sex.”

The commissioners encouraged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to hold hearings on the proposed rule, unveiled last year by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, seeking to add sexual orientation and gender identity to Title IX, the 1972 law forbidding discrimination in education based on sex.

In the letter to Mr. McCarthy, they said that Assistant Education Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon is “ideologically committed to promoting gender identity over biological sex, and the interests of transgender students over the interests of other students.”

[Full Story Here]

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“I’m In A Sexual Relationship With Airplanes”

File this one under Enabling Delusions!

A woman in Germany, who said she is in a sexual relationship with airplanes, revealed that she went on 30 mini vacations in the last year just to take to the skies with her lover.
Jam Press

Her love of airplanes really took off. 

A woman in Germany has revealed she’s now “in a sexual relationship” with aircrafts — and she has taken 30 mini vacations in the last year just to share the skies with her soulmates.

Sarah Rodo, 23, claimed that after experiencing turbulence while trying to date fellow humans, she discovered true love while on her first-ever flight aboard a Boeing 737.

Rodo, who said she’s spent nearly $4,267 on model airplanes, revealed that she identifies as objectum sexual. Yes, that’s a real thing.

Also known as objectophilia, this particular love-match occurs when individuals develop strong sexual or romantic feelings for a specific inanimate object, according to a 2022 study published in the Spring Nature medical journal. 

Some academics have theorized that the condition could be linked with autism spectrum disorder.

[Full Story Here]

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Why Trans Kids Are Now ‘Coming Out’ As Animals

Take These And You Will Never Grow-up

It was announced last week that another gender has been added to the list: nominalgender. Most news sites reported this in the sort of proud way a zoo might announce the birth of an exciting animal, a baby Komodo dragon maybe – as if the gender had somehow hatched and was waiting to be adopted. You are nominalgender ‘if your gender is so much just you that no one else can even experience it’, I read.

A gender no one else can experience? That sounds almost appealing. I might be tempted to come out as nominalgender right here and now if it weren’t for the nasty nominal flag (a black splat on mottled pink) and the fact that the whole idea that you can ‘come out’ as a gender (as opposed to a sexuality) is destroying the minds of Generation Z.

Every day the list of possible gender options grows – metastasizes is a better word: non-binary, genderfluid, bigender, demigender, catgender. On Monday it was reported that a drag queen on the Isle of Man had informed Year 7 pupils that there are exactly 73 genders. When one brave child insisted that there were only two, the drag queen allegedly responded ‘You’ve upset me’ and sent the child out.

What the drag queen might have said, if the rude child hadn’t interrupted, is that though it’s an article of trans faith that there are 73 genders, it’s also often said that the fastest-growing gender subset is xenogender. You’re xenogender if you feel more akin to animals or plants or foods than humans. It’s funny, but it’s also frightening. 

[Read the whole thing!]


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