Stack Rock Creek Bridge Video – Autumn

Stack Rock Creek Bridge, found near milepost 305, is more than just a bridge; it’s a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and engineering. This stone-faced beauty, seamlessly melding into the surrounding landscape, was constructed in the late 1930s as part of the New Deal-era projects.

If you’re lucky enough to be there in autumn, you’re in for a treat. The foliage turns into a fiery display of reds, oranges, and yellows, as if the trees decided to throw their own Mardi Gras parade.


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Anti-Science Medical Interest Groups

Given recent political losses, most notably in the state of Ohio, the Pro-Life cause needs to emphasize the facts of abortion more widely. Here’s an article seeking to do just that.

The article criticizes Planned Parenthood and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for their stance on fetal heartbeats in relation to heartbeat laws. The ACOG had previously claimed that a recognizable fetal heartbeat only exists after the heart’s chambers have developed, typically around 17 to 20 weeks of gestation, they said. However, both medical evidence and Planned Parenthood’s own website acknowledged the development of a basic beating heart and circulatory system as early as 5-6 weeks.

The ACOG’s stance was incorrect, noting that the fetal heart is fully developed by around 9 weeks and the chambers form by the end of week 7. The ACOG has prioritized its political agenda over scientific facts. Their approach was not in the best interest of mothers or their unborn children. Courts should reject the influence of such medical interest groups in legal decisions regarding abortion laws.

Full Story.

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Choose Life

Decolonization is Woke Jihad

Sorry to say it. But I think Wright is right.

Click on the “SHOW MORE” link to read the rest.

CRT, Anti-Racism, Gender Ideology, Post-Colonialism, Queer Theory, with their ‘oppressor-oppressed’ worldview is a wicked brew indeed. Combine that with these poll results about U.S. adults under 30 and you begin to understand how today’s fermentations have ‘suddenly’ bubbled up into our wide open spaces. For example, since October 7, all those college students marching in support of Hamas.

For those unaware, TikTok is effectively ‘owned’ by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The modern iteration of Marxism on campuses has shifted from focusing on economic classes to cultural identities, influenced by theorists like Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Gramsci.

I could add another 20 examples of ‘Pro-Palestine’ activists tearing down pictures of women and children recently kidnapped by Hamas.

And good God, this wicked brew doth make strange bedfellows. As in “Queers for Palestine.”

Cultural Jihad by any means necessary, I suppose. In the old Soviet days people like this were called ‘useful idiots.’ Many of our politically progressive Jewish fellow citizens just received their wake up call.
