To Grandmother’s House We Go

Drone Video

I’ve already captured on foot some of what you will see here. (You can find those videos at this link).

But let’s get a birds eye view.

The time is middle October. Not quite peak foliage. But still amazing. The crisp October air was filled with the scent of pine and the subtle whisper of falling leaves. As you will see, it was the kind of morning where the mist clung to the valleys like a delicate veil, waiting for the sun’s gentle nudge to lift it.

In this birds eye view, I’ll point out three landmarks of Pisgah National Forest; Beacon Heights, Grandmother Mountain, and in the distance the two distinctive peaks of Linville Gorge, Table Rock and Hawksbill.

God’s brush is coloring the world, in fiery hues of red, orange, and gold during this most conspicuous time of year. So enjoy Autumn at Grandmother’s house….

“Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.”


To Grandmother’s House We Go.

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Next up, Grinndiddy!

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Celebrate God’s Beautiful World

Flying the ‘True Colors’ Flag Now

Progressives’ response to Hamas’s atrocities reveals that they never believed in their own dogma.

Woke dogma, that is…

It was all stuff and nonsense, wasn’t it? All that talk of “hate speech” and “accountability culture” and “systemic oppression” and the need to ensure that everyone in the community feels “safe” at all times? It was all guff, flotsam, baloney. About 15 minutes passed between the news of the atrocities committed by Hamas and the crumpling of the progressive creed. Rarely has jetsam looked so vile.

Pick, at random, a fashionable idea about the ideal limits of free expression, and you’ll observe that it has collapsed ignominiously into the dust. The prohibition on “tone policing”? Gone. The injunction to “believe all women”? Evaporated. The insistence that “silence is violence,” that“neutrality is complicity,” or that institutions are thus obliged to speak out about any injustice that they might see? Defunct. Obsolete. Kaput. In the annals of bad human ideas, has an ideology ever been as swiftly hollowed out as was this one?

For more than a decade now, our universities, our media, our HR departments, and our celebrities have terrorized us with a bunch of vicious dogmas that, it turns out, they never believed in for a moment. In the name of “diversity” and “inclusion” and “equity” and any other abstract concept that might plausibly be recruited to the obscurantists’ side, Americans were asked to subordinate their freedom, their conversations, and their consciences to the personal preferences of a handful of unelected arbiters of taste. And then, one terrible day in October, a real barbarity was staged, and, within a few hours of the rules being applied to its apologists, the whole enterprise was revealed to be a brittle sham. 

It has been about the Far Left gaining Power all along…and the silencing of those who disagree with their worldview.

Read the whole thing.
