Claim: Death’s Will Skyrocket Because Of Illegal Abortions

A good friend of mine is pro-choice. Because of the change in law, she is concerned that women will seek unsafe methods to end their pregnancies.

Though she hasn’t used the phrase “back-alley abortions,” that’s the image that comes most readily to mind because of it’s ubiquitous use by abortion advocates. [For the record my friend doesn’t consider herself an abortion advocate. She is an advocate for women.]

Deaths, we are told, will skyrocket as desperate women seek illegal means to end their pregnancies.

Is there any reason to believe this will happen?

Hopefully, the following video will alleviate those fears. A former abortionist (she did over 500) and Medical Director for Planned Parenthood tells us the truth about those death claims.


Protect Human Life

Human Life – The Beginning

Our lives begin at conception. Our sex, our ethnicity, even our hair color are determined at the moment two gametes, sperm and egg, meet.

I believe we are obliged to respect that beginning by not ending life prematurely. Or unnecessarily. [See post below].

Human Life – The Beginning

Human Life – The Beginning

The Mississippi law upheld by the recent Supreme Court ruling placed a restriction on abortion after 15 weeks, with exceptions for a medical emergency or severe fetal abnormality. This restriction is viewed as extreme by some.

What do you think?


Protect Human Life