American Academy of Pediatrics Stifles Debate

Abigail Shrier’s latest piece in the Wall Street Journal begins:

Is it safe for adolescents to undergo gender “transition”? Is it wise for children to take hormones that block puberty? The American Academy of Pediatrics not only has answered these questions in the affirmative but is determined to stifle any debate. On Friday the AAP told an international consortium of more than 100 clinicians and researchers who doubt the reigning orthodoxy that they couldn’t set up an information booth at the association’s national conference. The cosmetics company L’Oreal and the National Peanut Board will be there, but not the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.  Source: Abigail Shrier, WSJ Article.

Thereby documenting the politicization of an important Medical Association, the AAP. The Cancel Culture is real. Here’s a link to SEGM, a group barred from setting up a booth at the AAP’s national conference. And a quote from their “About Us” page:

We are an international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers concerned about the lack of quality evidence for the use of hormonal and surgical interventions as first-line treatment for young people with gender dysphoria. We represent expertise from a range of clinical disciplines. - source: Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine

You should check them out. Many, many medical professionals are horrified by the rush to Transition young people with gender-dysphoria.

I’m convinced a deep-seated cultural agenda to
radically restructure society is driving all of this.

And now, as Shrier reports, many medical practitioners in Europe are reconsidering what they have done. You can check out a portion of the WSJ article here. (But most of the article is behind the WSJ paywall.)

In the article Shrier documents the current shift in Europe away from the Affirmative Care Model. Europe began this process of pushing gender-dysphoric children and teens to Transition several years before we did in North America. Now the evidence is compelling them to rethink their care models for patients under 18.

So should we.

Here’s an important graph:

In the past year, major hospitals in Europe have ended or curtailed pediatric hormone treatments in response to their own internal reviews. In March, the U.K.’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence concluded that the benefits of hormone treatments for pediatric gender-dysphoria patients were unclear. The Karolinska Hospital of Sweden, which is affiliated with the institute that awards the Nobel Prize in medicine, in May decided to end its use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for treatment of gender dysphoria for all patients under 18, except in controlled research settings. Finland’s national gender program issued new guidelines after noticing that many of the kids it treated with hormone therapy failed to show improvements in mental health.  Source: Abigail Shrier, WSJ Article. [emphasis mine]

Josh Hammer nails it in this tweet.

The last graph before the paywall kicks in deserves your careful attention too.

I blogged about a remorseful DeTranstioner in my last post. Her name is Cari. Listen carefully to what she has to say.


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend the book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]

Cari, DeTransitioner

Two fairly short videos below by an articulate DeTransitioner.1Detransition is the cessation or reversal of a transgender identification or gender transition, whether by social, legal, or medical means. From her own personal experience, Cari superbly frames the issue.

DeTransitioner numbers are growing rapidly. Their stories complicate the sunny picture frequently presented in the media about our “gender-fluid future.” And they are either ignored or heavily criticized by Trans-Activists. They need to be heard. They need our support and love.

Please note the following important terms & phrases: a mental health condition called “dissociative disorder,” also “maladaptive coping mechanism,” “decoupling my sense of self from my body” “shifting dysphoria” & “gatekeeping.”

Listen carefully.


Our young people are not getting the mental health care or the spiritual support they need. We need more “gatekeeping!”

Also, as I study this issue I constantly find homosexuals saying they are so glad they are not teens today. They might have tried to medicalize their identity, changing their bodies forever. Like Cari did. The Lesbian community in particular is being decimated. Less feminine “gender non-conforming” girls who might explore that possibility are being told they just might be guys. As I’ve written several times before, homosexuals typically don’t deny their biological sex. What we are seeing with today’s gender ideology is a different, confusing, contradictory mess. (Unless your aim is to radically restructure society.)

Unfortunately because of ideology and quite frankly a lot of ignorance young people are groomed to deny biological sex. “Affirming” clinicians & counselors put them on a fast-track to Transition. After irreversible damage to her body, Cari wishes she had received better care from the professionals. They failed her.

“I want to ask you, how many other medical conditions are there where you can walk into the doctor’s office, tell them you have a certain condition, which has no objective test, which can be caused by trauma or mental health issues or societal factors, and receive life-altering medications on your say-so?”

Listen carefully.

LINK DISCLAIMER:2 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]


Being a Classic Christian I regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about this issue. Christians (and everybody else) let’s get informed. And speak up as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.” Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated. 


J.K. Rowling Letter

Since the famed author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, came up in my last post, I thought you might like to read her public letter from June of last year, 2020. In it she documents her “fall from grace” in the eyes of Gender Ideologues. And many of her fans. But she has gained new fans for publicly stating that “biology is not bigotry.”

Of course, unlike Canadian Nurse Amy Hamm who publicly defended Rowling and jeopardized her career for doing so, Ms. Rowling is a multi-billionaire and can “take the heat” as they say. Still, no one, no matter how rich, enjoys having their reputation unjustifiably sullied. I’m glad a popular public figure bravely spoke out on this issue.

I was particularly agitated by the news from Rowling that a brave young feminist and lesbian Magdalen Berns, who Rowling followed on Twitter, was castigated by the Trans-Activist “Twitter mob” for saying she “didn’t believe lesbians should be called bigots for not dating trans women with penises.”

I’ve heard about similar attacks of other lesbians for refusing to accept Trans-women (with penises) as suitable partners. This is the warped logic some Trans-activists embrace and expect you to embrace as well. Or you will be publicly shamed. They must be accepted as who they say they are irrespective of biology.

Is this the world we want to live in? We better come up with some answers quick. Things are moving swiftly.

Rowling mentions a hopeful sign, though. She knew she was going to be attacked for publicly supporting someone fired from her job “for what were deemed ‘transphobic’ tweets.” But she gratefully received an avalanche of support as well from the silent majority who also worry about today’s “climate of fear” generated by Gender Ideologues.

Following the link below you will learn another acronym coined by Trans-Activitists, TERF which stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. I’ve already highlighted one Radical Feminist in a previous post. And will continue to do so in future posts. Many self-described Radical Feminists are convinced Gender Ideology is hurting women.

Read what Rowling had to say about our uncivil “toxic” age. Adults need to cease “cowering before the tactics of the playground.” She posted a very informed letter on her blog, succinctly covering most of the bases I’ve blogged about in the last few months. And has earned my respect. See if she can earn yours.

Link to the Letter.

LINK DISCLAIMER footnote:1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about the issue and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]