Fatherlessness: Root Cause of Christianity’s Collapse in America

It turns out, according to a recent nationwide study of faith and relationships, that fatherlessness is a root cause of Christianity’s collapse over the past 40 years in America.

One data point stood out above the rest. “It turns out that 80 percent of everybody in the pews on Sunday morning grew up in a home with continuously married biological parents, and that trend held across all age groups, from the oldest Gen Zs to the youngest boomers,” DeGance said. 80 percent!

Fatherlessness, it turns out, doesn’t just lead to poor outcomes on social indexes, DeGance’s research revealed. It has profound spiritual consequences too. When marriage collapses, church attendance collapses. And the social institution designed to nurture and love children collapses along with it.

“There’s been a revolution in family structure of the last 60 years,” DeGance said. “So what’s changed as pastors look at what’s going on with the diminishing numbers in the pews? What they’re not frequently understanding is that what’s driving the loss of people from the pews is the collapse of the family itself. That’s the leading indicator.”

As marriage collapsed, rates of fatherlessness rose precipitously, which further eroded the foundational relationship that drives church attendance. DeGance’s research echoed other research in the field about father-child connections, specifically regarding religious practices.

“Oxford University Press published a 40-year longitudinal study that followed 350 families with over 3,000 adults over the time frame,” DeGance said. “What they disproportionately found was that an adult’s description of his or her relationship being warm and close with her dad was the biggest predictor of whether or not that adult practiced faith as an adult.”

Source: Newsweek.com

In the Western world, more than just Church attendance is collapsing.

The Holy Family, second half 15th century (Paduan)
courtesy of the National Gallery of Art


We Need Mothers and Fathers In The House

Review: Gender-Affirming Therapy Fails To Show Credible Improvements In Mental Health

Article published April 14, 2023

Levine, S.B., Abbruzzese, E. Current Concerns About Gender-Affirming Therapy in Adolescents. Curr Sex Health Rep 15, 113–123 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-023-00358-x


The question, “Do the benefits of youth gender transitions outweigh the risks of harm?” remains unanswered because of a paucity of follow-up data. The conclusions of the systematic reviews of evidence for adolescents are consistent with long-term adult studies, which failed to show credible improvements in mental health and suggested a pattern of treatment-associated harms. Three recent papers examined the studies that underpin the practice of youth gender transition and found the research to be deeply flawed. Evidence does not support the notion that “affirmative care” of today’s adolescents is net beneficial. Questions about how to best care for the rapidly growing numbers of gender-dysphoric youth generated an intensity of divisiveness within and outside of medicine rarely seen with other clinical uncertainties. Because the future well-being of young patients and their families is at stake, the field must stop relying on social justice arguments and return to the time-honored principles of evidence-based medicine.

An excellent survey of the field. What you find here will give you the research information you need to stand against Gender Ideology and the exorbitant claims of Gender Activists. So please read. Learn it. And pass this on to others.


Speak Truth To Power

Male, Triple Murderer, Transferred To Central California Women’s Facility

Gavin Newsom, Scott Wiener, California Democrats, this is on you.

Companies and citizens are leaving California in droves (true). Gavin Newsom and his fellow politicos have been named U-Haul Salesperson’s of the Decade. (not true).


Justice For Women