Brazil: Journalist Ordered To Pay Damages For ‘Misgendering’

A female journalist was convicted of causing “moral damage” to a male influencer who claims to be a woman.

Left: Rebecca Gaia. Right: Madeleine Lacsko

A Brazilian journalist, Madeleine Lacsko, was convicted of  causing “moral damage” to a trans-identified male influencer, who adopted the name Rebecca Gaia. Ms. Lacsko was found guilty of “transphobia” over “misgendering” for addressing Gaia using the word “cara,” as “cara” means “dear” but also “guy” (a man). The journalist was told to delete her tweets and pay three thousand reais (over $500) to the influencer.

. . . the journalist’s “conduct” – using the word “cara” as a masculine form, was “enough to conclude that there was grave violation of the [influencer’s] personality, resulting in their humiliation in front of other users on social media.”

“The case that happened to me is important for the freedom of expression of women in the public sphere, especially in discussions about gender. I was judicially sanctioned without even having entered into the discussion, simply because I used a vocative that was misunderstood by the people attacking me,” Ms Lacsko continued.

Lacsko has been a journalist for 27 years and also works as a “digital and social reputation risk management consultant.” She is a columnist for the news outlet UOL, a speaker, an author and has focused on the topic of lifelong learning for senior executives, Digital Citizenship and human rights while working as a consultant for UNICEF Angola and as an advisor to Brazil’s Supreme Court.

Source: 4W


Planned Parenthood Sex-Ed Lesson In Elementary School

Nine and ten year olds in a Washington State Elementary School get an eye-opening and confusing lesson about sex and gender.

Podcaster Brandi Kruse reported on a sex education lesson provided to fourth and fifth grade students at Lincoln Elementary School on May 9, 2023. The lesson included over 40 images of different drawings of male and female genitalia. Another page from the lesson shows what children may need during puberty. One item is listed as “puberty blockers.” One page has a “gender wheel” that shows children they can be transgender and pick their pronouns. Examples of identities on this wheel include “drag king,” “boyish girl,” and “femme boy.” The word “tree” is also listed as a pronoun. The page for the wheel states:

You can keep your understanding of bodies, gender and pronouns as dancing and alive and current as possible. This means knowing about lots of different kinds of people and including every body as a normal part of your regular, everyday life.

Source: Parents Defending Education

“Words and ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limiting beliefs transform and evolve.’

Gender Wheel Quote – 4th Grade Sex-Ed Material
