The Fiery Furnace at Arches NP

Late afternoon is the best time to enjoy The Fiery Furnace. I shot these pics around mid-day. The vertical rock walls in the video are called ‘fins.’ I’m sure you’ll see why.

The Fiery Furnace

Arches National Park


God’s Beautiful World

The Beating Heart of Arches NP

My previous video mixed travel blog with a bit of theology.

We are still in the Windows Section of Arches National Park. Most consider this the “beating heart” of the entire park. I hope the video below will inspire you to take the time to visit our amazing national treasures. And enjoy God’s Beautiful Bi-Natured World.

In the words of Frank Bethwick, leader of a 1933-34 scientific expedition, “These arches are of thrilling beauty. Caused by the cutting action of wind-blown sand (not stream erosion), one marvels at the intricacies of nature.” This section of the park offers both beauty and variety—hiking, sightseeing, stargazingphotography, and enjoyment for the whole family.

Some Geology
(Click to see full image)

Highlighted first in the video is the Turret Arch and then I take a leisurely stroll around The Windows.

Turret Arch & The Windows
by blueridgemountain_man
